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Among the long-time running TV shows (Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud), Gametek picked up Family Feud to make their first game on the 3DO. In the past, the company already released PC games based on the Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy shows but none of them have been so brilliantly made than the 3DO version of Family Feud.

With digitized characters for the families and the host of the show, Family Feud has realistic graphics that litterally bring you into the game as if you were in Hollywood for the real show. Music and sounds are identical to those used in the original TV game which reinforce your feeling of being there instead of watching it. You are the family who is trying to win the prize and not the viewer in your sitting room! This is how you feel when playing Family Feud on the 3DO!

The game lets you choose the play mode. Three choices are available: Family vs Family, Family vs 3DO and 3DO vs 3DO. My favorite is the second choice where you can compete with a friend, this is always better than playing against a computer. However if you play alone, you can select how smart the other family is. If you don't like the difficulty, you can select a no-brain family but this is not a challenge. Instead, try to play with genius to see how good you are.

The game starts with the Bull's-eye round where you can add wealth to your jackpot that starts with $5,000. With 5 questions ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, you can earn a total of $20,000 if you find the Number One answer to the questions. Of course, to win this money, you must be the first family to reach 300 points in the main rounds and have no less than 200 points at the fast money round.

The answers are given by using your d-pad to select letters and figures from a menu at the bottom of the screen. The program is smart enough to allow small errors in spelling and to understand words of the same meaning (does not work all the time but it is fair enough).

A total of 4 families are available for you to choose from; and each character can be renamed at your convenience if you prefer to select your own name. Characteristics like age, profession, intelligence, etc.. can also be changed to match your own personnality.


Family Feud is really fun to play either alone against the 3DO's family or with your friends. The funniest way to play is with several players for one family, each one playing the role of a family's member. The overall quality is excellent and the 4,000 questions promises you countless hours of excitement and fun.


Overall: ****

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