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site Arizona-Based Publisher/Developer Sends Team to Las Vegas In Support
Of Classic Games
Mesa, AZ, August 26th, 1998 -- IcePick Games announced at last
weekend's World of Atari '98 conference that its first game using
Monolith's LithTechT 3D game engine for its first multi-platform title
will be called "BankHeist".
"There are elements of gameplay missing from today's games that made
the classics very special to those of us who have been playing games
most of our lives," said IcePick's Executive Producer, Warren Weems.
"What better place to show our support for classic games, and announce
our intentions to incorporate many of those elements in our games as
we announce our first title?"
Weems announced the title to game press and newspaper reporters that
had attended the conference to cover the event.
"Sometimes it's fun to play the bad guy," said Weems. "In BankHeist,
you get to play one of three distinct characters with three distinct
perspectives of the storyline and the action. Over the next few weeks
we'll be announcing more elements of the game, including characters in
the game. We will tell you that there's a VERY bad character that
will be a lot of fun to play by the name of Stephanie. Stephanie's
attractive, smart, witty and has a violent nature. She's a former
police officer whose self-indulgence fed her need for aggression.
Steph's career as an officer ended following accusations from her
commander that she was using excessive force on the job. She
immediately responded by kicking him in the groin."
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# # #
IcePick Games announced its existence at this year's E3 show in
Atlanta, and has been quietly acquiring the resources and tools it
needs to become a major player in the electronic entertainment
industry early next year. ICEPICK GAMES is located in Mesa, just east
of Phoenix, Arizona.
Monolith Productions is located in Kirkland, Washington. Other
Monolith games developed using the LithTech(tm) 3D Engine include
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division(tm) and Blood 2: The Chosen(tm), both
scheduled to be released this fall.
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