The Vivid 3D Plus sound system is a new device that brings a new dimension of sound to multimedia applications, video games and even audio systems. Using the patented SRS technology, the Vivid 3D Plus provides a three-dimensional sound from only two speakers.
What the SRS technology does to the sound is restore the proper balance of direct and indirect sound information. A stereophonic signal consists of a left (L) and right (R) channel. The SRS technology combines the two signals in a SUM signal and subtracts each one from the other to produce two DIFFERENCE signals (L-R) and (R-L). The first signal (SUM) contains all direct and centered sounds (dialogue, vocalist, and soloist information) while the processed DIFFERENCE signals include the ambient information (reflected sounds) and provide the spatial information. The incorrect recording of the DIFFERENCE signal is mainly responsible for the absence of realism in stereo recordings. Therefore, SRS restores it and provides a much wider listening range for the audience.
The Vivid 3D Plus features several controls you can adjust to customize your sound output. The center control clarifies primary elements of an audio recording (soloist or voice over track) while the space control changes the "depth" and "width" of the audio image to let you hear greater localization and movement of sound. There is also a mono switch used for mono signals with a bypass position and a SRS position which enables the SRS process.
The Vivid 3D Plus can be used with any audio playback system from video game systems like SEGA, NINTENDO, JAGUAR or 3DO to portable stereo systems and multimedia computers equipped with sound cards and powered speakers.
With the Vivid 3D Plus, you are surrounded with sounds, and it gives games (any game!) a rich and vivid experience. Other systems are available from Nu Reality like the Vivid 3D (with no center or space controls), the Vivid 3D Pro that incorporates a built-in amplifier, and the Vivid 3D Studio compatible with surround sound technologies for home stereo systems.
Nu Reality
2907 Daimler St.,
Santa Ana, CA 92705-5810
Tel: (714) 442-1080, (800) 501-8086
Fax: 714-852-1059